bodyweight chest press with trx

15 Bodyweight Chest Exercises to Add to Your Split

Looking to sculpt and strengthen your chest without needing fancy gym equipment? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil 15 effective bodyweight chest exercises that you can easily incorporate into your workout routine right from the comfort of your own home. We'll also look at how you can use TRX to upgrade these exercises as well. 
Du liest 15 Bodyweight Chest Exercises to Add to Your Split 18 Minuten

Looking to sculpt and strengthen your chest without needing fancy gym equipment? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil 15 effective bodyweight chest exercises that you can easily incorporate into your workout routine right from the comfort of your own home. We'll also look at how you can use TRX to upgrade these exercises as well. 

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast looking to switch up your regimen or a beginner eager to kickstart your fitness journey, these exercises cater to all levels of experience and promise to help you achieve a stronger, more defined chest. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to a fitter, healthier you – starting today!

Bodyweight vs. Weighted Exercises for the Chest

Bodyweight exercises and weighted exercises for the chest offer distinct yet effective approaches to muscle strengthening and development. Bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups and chest dips, utilize the individual's body weight as resistance, making them accessible and convenient for home workouts or when gym equipment is limited. These exercises often require greater stabilization and coordination, engaging not only the chest muscles but also various stabilizer and core muscles to maintain proper form. They offer versatility through adjustments in angle, leverage, or tempo, allowing individuals to tailor the intensity to their fitness level.

On the other hand, weighted exercises like bench presses and dumbbell flyes involve using external weights to provide resistance against the chest muscles. This allows for greater customization of resistance by adjusting the weight lifted, facilitating progressive overload and muscle growth over time. Weighted exercises specifically target the chest muscles, enabling individuals to isolate and focus on muscle hypertrophy while also engaging additional muscle groups as stabilizers, depending on the exercise and technique used. 

While weighted exercises may require access to gym equipment, they offer systematic progression and measurable strength gains, making them valuable tools for chest development in structured training programs. Integrating a combination of both bodyweight and weighted exercises into a workout routine can provide comprehensive chest training, balancing functional strength, and muscle growth.

Try These 15 Bodyweight Chest Exercises

Now, it’s time to get into the good stuff. Here are the fifteen best bodyweight chest exercises to add to your arsenal. You can combine these with some of our recommended bodyweight arm exercises to get a full-body workout at home

15. Push-up

Push-ups are a versatile compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive upper-body and core workout. The primary focus is on the pectoral muscles (chest), deltoids (shoulders), and triceps (arms) as they power the upward and downward phases of the movement. This collective effort makes push-ups an effective and efficient exercise for individuals at various fitness levels.

  1. Begin in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Ensure your fingers are spread for stability, and your wrists are aligned with your shoulders. 
  3. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your core muscles to keep your body in a solid plank position. Avoid sagging your hips or lifting your buttocks, maintaining a neutral spine. 
  4. Keep your head in a neutral position, looking at the floor to maintain proper alignment with your spine. 
  5. Avoid hyperextending the neck up or letting the chin drop to the chest. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the ground while keeping them close to your body at around a 45-degree angle. 
  6. Ensure your elbows are not flaring out to the sides, which can put unnecessary strain on your shoulder joints.
  7. Lower your body until your chest is a few inches from the ground. Aim for a comfortable depth while maintaining control. 
  8. Press through the palms of your hands, extending your elbows to push your body back up to the starting position, avoid locking the elbows. 

14. Dips

Dips are a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the chest, triceps, and shoulders. The equipment necessary includes parallel bars, a dip station, or sturdy horizontal surfaces of equal height. 

  1. Position yourself between the parallel bars or on the dip station, ensuring they are stable and shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Grasp the bars with an overhand grip, keeping your palms facing down. Your hands should be positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width. 
  3. Hoist yourself up, straighten your arms, and lift your feet off the ground. Cross your ankles or keep your legs straight, depending on your preference. 
  4. Maintain an upright torso with your chest up and shoulders back. Engage your core to keep your body stable. 
  5. Lower your body by bending your elbows, allowing them to flare out slightly to the sides. Keep your torso upright, and avoid leaning too far forward. 
  6. Lower yourself until your shoulders are below your elbows or until you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest and shoulders. Push through your palms, extending your elbows to lift your body back up to the starting position. Fully extend your arms without locking your elbows.

13. TRX Incline Press

The TRX Incline Press is an advanced exercise that builds upper body, core, and overall strength: 

  1. Adjust TRX straps to mid-calf length. Start standing directly underneath the anchor point. 
  2. Place one foot into both foot cradles, behind the body,  keeping the foot dorsiflexed with heel against the handle. 
  3. Place both hands and the free foot on the floor, keeping the foot in the cradles elevated.  Using both hands and one foot, walk away from the anchor point allowing the foot in the cradles to elevate. 
  4. Once in the appropriate position and angle, slowly lower the head between the hands at a 45-degree angle by bending the elbows.  
  5. Drive hands into the floor to push the body back to the starting position. Maintain plank and breathe consistently throughout the exercise. 

Beyond targeting the chest, TRX engages in stabilizing muscles, fostering overall balance and core strength. The increased range of motion reduced joint impact, and mimicry of functional movement patterns contribute to improved chest development and flexibility. TRX's portability and accessibility make it suitable for various settings, while its time-efficient nature allows for dynamic full-body workouts. The simultaneous activation of chest and core muscles enhances overall functional strength and endurance. In essence, TRX offers a holistic and scalable approach to chest training, making it a valuable addition to fitness routines. 

12. TRX Chest Press

The TRX Chest Press is distinguished by its emphasis on muscle engagement and the crucial role of stability throughout the exercise. As you extend your arms forward against the straps, the chest muscles, primarily the pectoralis major, are activated intensely. Simultaneously, the engagement of stabilizing muscles, including the core, shoulders, and arms, becomes paramount to maintaining a controlled and steady body position. 

  1. Straps are fully lengthened and stand facing away from the anchor point. Extend the arms in front of the shoulders, and choose the appropriate foot stance.  
  2. Maintain plank, lower the body by bending elbows to 90 degrees.  
  3. Return to the starting position by driving through the palms while squeezing the chest. 

The controlled movement, from the initial press forward to the return to the starting position, demands a synchronized effort from the entire upper body, making the TRX Chest Press a holistic exercise that goes beyond isolated muscle work, emphasizing the integration of muscle groups and the imperative role of stability in achieving optimal results 

11. Pike Push-up

Pike push-ups are a dynamic exercise uniquely tailored to emphasize and enhance the strength of the shoulders and upper chest. The upward push accentuates shoulder engagement, providing a focused workout for these muscle groups.  As you progress, the intensified load on the shoulders and upper chest contributes to enhanced strength and definition in these areas. 

  1. Begin in a plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, lifting hips into an inverted V shape. 
  2. Spread fingers wide for stability, and maintain a straight line from head to heels. Gaze towards your feet to keep a neutral neck position. 
  3. Lower your upper body towards the ground by bending your elbows, engaging the core, and focusing on using your shoulder muscles. 
  4. Push through your palms to extend your arms, returning to the starting position. 
  5. Start with a manageable number of repetitions, gradually increasing as strength improves, and ensure consistent form throughout to enhance effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury.

10. TRX Push-Up

TRX push-ups heavily engage the chest muscles, promoting strength and definition. The movement activates the triceps, contributing to overall arm strength. The suspended position intensifies core engagement, aiding in stability and balance. TRX push-ups target the shoulders, enhancing deltoid development:

  1. Begin by adjusting the TRX straps to mid-calf length. Place your feet in the foot cradles and maintain an active plank position as a foundation for this exercise. 
  2. Engage your core to maintain a straight line from head to heels. Lower your chest toward the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides. 
  3. Ensure a full range of motion by lowering your chest as close to the ground as possible. 
  4. Push through your palms to extend your arms and return to the starting position.

9. Burpees

Burpees are a highly effective exercise renowned for their multifaceted benefits, particularly in chest and full-body conditioning. As a dynamic, full-body movement, burpees engage the chest muscles during the push-up phase, fostering strength and toning. The explosive jump component not only elevates heart rate but also intensifies chest activation, contributing to improved cardiovascular health:

  1. Begin in a standing position, then squat down and place your hands on the ground, ensuring they are shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Jump your feet back to land in a plank position, maintaining a straight line from head to heels. 
  3. Execute a chest-to-ground push-up, then explosively jump your feet back towards your hands. 
  4. Finish by jumping up and reaching towards the ceiling. Common mistakes to avoid include arching the back during the plank position, which can strain the lower back. 

To further ease into the exercise, perform a modified push-up on the knees to develop upper body strength without overwhelming the chest muscles. Breaking down the movement into its components, beginners can initially practice the squat and standing phases separately before combining them into a full burpee. 

8. Walkouts

Walkouts are a dynamic exercise that not only enhances overall flexibility and core strength but also significantly engages the chest muscles. As you hinge at the hips and walk the hands forward, the entire core, including the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back, is engaged to maintain a stable plank position:

  1. To perform a walkout, start in a standing position and hinge at the hips to reach down towards the floor, keeping the legs straight. 
  2. Walk the hands forward until you're in a plank position, maintaining a strong, straight line from head to heels. The chest is actively involved during the descent and ascent phases, providing a controlled challenge to the pectoral muscles. 
  3. As you walk the hands back toward the feet and return to a standing position, the chest undergoes a controlled stretch and contraction, fostering strength and toning. 

7. TRX Chest Fly

TRX Chest Fly challenges the chest and shoulder muscles in the transverse plane. The chest and shoulders are isolated for both strengthening and stretching during this exercise. Due to the anatomical bipennate arrangement of the pectoralis muscles, the chest fly allows for the muscles to stretch in the eccentric phase and to contract and strengthen during the concentric phase. 

  1. Start with the straps fully lengthened, facing away from the anchor point.  Arms are fully extended, palms facing inward.  
  2. Choose the appropriate foot stance. 
  3. Maintain plank, slowly lower body while allowing the arms to move outward like wings.  Keep elbows slightly bent.  
  4. Squeeze chest together while bringing hands back to starting position.   

6. Decline Push-up

Performing decline push-ups is an effective way to target the upper chest and shoulders while engaging the core muscles. 

  1. To execute this exercise, start by assuming a traditional push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Place your feet on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, creating a decline angle. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels, with your core engaged. 
  3. Lower your chest towards the ground, maintaining a controlled descent, and then push through your palms to return to the starting position. Focus on keeping your body in a plank-like position throughout the movement, emphasizing the engagement of the upper chest and shoulders. 
  4. Adjust the height of the elevated surface to modify the intensity based on your fitness level. 

5. Resistance Band Push-Up

Resistance band push-ups introduce an extra dimension to traditional push-ups by incorporating added resistance, specifically targeting the chest muscles. As you lower your chest towards the ground, the resistance band imparts continuous tension on the chest, intensifying the workload throughout the entire range of motion. 

  1. Begin by securing the resistance band around your upper back, ensuring it sits just below your shoulder blades. 
  2. Assume a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, gripping the band securely. 
  3. As you lower your chest towards the ground, maintain a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core and glutes. The resistance band provides added tension during both the descent and ascent phases, intensifying the workload on the chest and triceps. 
  4. Focus on controlled movements, avoiding rapid or jerky motions, to ensure optimal muscle engagement. Proper form in resistance band push-ups not only enhances chest and triceps strength but also contributes to overall stability and control during the exercise.

For a comprehensive full-body training experience, try the TRX exercise band or strength band. These full-length bands offer versatility on the go, allowing you to add extra resistance without impact. The band’s unique design facilitates prolonged time under tension, ensuring maximum effort from your muscles throughout each movement. This contributes to improved strength, endurance, and power. 

4. TRX Chest Pull

Mastering the technique for TRX chest pull exercises can significantly contribute to an effective upper-body workout.

  1. Begin by adjusting the TRX straps to a mid-length position, ensuring they are secure and stable. 
  2. Facing the anchor point, grab the handles with an overhand grip and lean backward, creating tension in the straps. 
  3. Initiate the movement by squeezing your shoulder blades together and pulling your chest towards the handles. 

This exercise emphasizes the muscles of the upper back and chest, promoting improved posture and strength in the thoracic region. The dynamic nature of TRX chest pulls engages stabilizing muscles, enhancing overall upper-body stability. 

3. TRX Clock Press

This dynamic exercise requires tremendous focus on the core, legs, and a stable shoulder complex. The isometric hold creates a foundation for the arms and hands to move away from the midline of the body.  This demand on the core while moving the arms and hands is what makes this exercise fully encompassing.

  1. This challenging exercise creates tremendous isometric activation of the core and upper body.  Start with straps fully lengthened.  Stand facing away from the anchor point.  
  2. Choose the appropriate angle, keep the handles next to the chest at the bottom of a TRX Chest Press, and hands on each handle.  
  3. While maintaining the plank position, push one hand directly to the side of the body. 
  4. Maintain even pressure on each handle.  Once comfortable and stable with one hand, attempt bilateral clock presses. 

2. Plank Reach Under

Performing the plank reach-under is an effective exercise that places a particular emphasis on engaging the chest muscles. 

  1. Begin in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. 
  2. While maintaining a stable plank, reach one arm under your body, threading it beneath the torso, and then replace the hand to the starting position. This movement not only challenges the stability of the core but also intensifies the engagement of the chest muscles. 
  3. Focus on controlled movements, ensuring that the chest is actively involved throughout the reach, to maximize the effectiveness of this exercise in targeting and sculpting the chest.

Engaging in plank reach not only targets the chest but also significantly impacts core stability and coordination. As you reach one arm under your body, the core muscles work to maintain balance and stability. This exercise challenges the coordination between the upper and lower body, requiring a controlled and deliberate movement to prevent unnecessary rotation. 

1. TRX Chest Taps

Mastering the proper technique for TRX chest taps is crucial to maximize the benefits of this exercise. 

  1. Begin by adjusting the TRX straps to mid-calf length. Ground facing away position with toes in foot cradles.  
  2. Hold the body in an active hand plank position, maintaining core stability. Initiate the movement by shifting body weight to one side, allowing the opposite hand to tap the chest while maintaining stability through the core. 
  3. Alternate sides in a controlled manner, focusing on a smooth and controlled tapping motion. 
  4. Maintain a neutral spine and avoid excessive swinging to ensure targeted engagement of the chest muscles. 

The proper technique for TRX chest taps not only enhances muscle activation but also minimizes the risk of strain, making it an effective and safe addition to your upper-body workout routine.

Try This Sample Bodyweight Chest Workout Today


Jumping jacks: 3 sets of 1 minute each.

Arm circles: 2 sets of 30 seconds in each direction.

Chest Activation:

Push-ups: 3 sets of 12 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

Dips: 3 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

Dynamic Full-Body Movement:

Burpees: 3 sets of 10 reps with a 90-second rest between sets.

Core Engagement:

Walkouts: 3 sets of 8 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

Plank Reach Under: 3 sets of 10 reps (each arm) with a 60-second rest between sets.

TRX Suspension Training:

TRX Chest Press: 2 sets of 12 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

TRX Push-ups: 2 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

TRX Clock Press: 2 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

TRX Incline Press: 2 sets of 8-10 reps with 60-second rest between sets.


TRX Chest Taps: 3 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest between sets.

Adjust the rest intervals based on your fitness level and preferences. This routine is designed to provide an effective and well-rounded workout, targeting various muscle groups with the recommended sets, repetitions, and rest intervals for optimal results.


Incorporating bodyweight chest exercises into your workout routine offers a versatile and effective approach to strengthening and sculpting the chest muscles. The key exercises mentioned, such as push-ups, dips, and TRX chest presses, engage various muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout without the need for extensive equipment. 

Whether you’re working out from home or on-the-go, these bodyweight exercises will keep you fit and toned!